Ok.... I don't have a horse shaming. My horse shamed me in front of another horse....
We were doing an English ladder and all was going well. We went down a really steep incline at a snail's pace (he's learning) .then we had to jump down a bank. I'm still green... just about a year into this.
I ended up stirrup-less and sitting on his back (really neck) in front of the saddle.... Punch just stood there, collected, and turned to look at me like, "SERIOUSLY! I just did ALL that work and you couldn't stick your seat?????"
Then, he looked at Viper (his foxy trail lady) as if to say, "Oh dear, what would she do with out such a valiant steed? You should definitely be my girlfriend Viper...I'm cute and reliable!"
I'll take the miny-crow-hops on windy days in fields by ourselves when he thinks the goats and birds of prey will eat us alive and that we should TURN AROUND IMMEDIATELLY... because... every time that boy has had to be an honest and caring pony HE HAS NEVER LET ME DOWN... sniffle sniffle... makes my eyes water.....
This brought to you buy Steph M.
Note from blog author....Punch tried to buck Steph off the next week. She stayed on. For Shame Punchinello...for Shame! (Just kidding...we love you!)
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